Product and technology information, technical insights, answers to the most complex questions from ultra-low latency experts.
The most powerful and versatile among all LDA and non-LDA devices available on the market today, the Neo platform enables the creation of the most advanced FPGA networking solutions. Now fully 25G compatible.
LDA Technologies' latest addition to the fleet is a new, specialized Layer 1 device that simplifies arbitration of multiple lines in ultra-low latency trading.
LDA Technologies Integrates Napatech's Solution to Drastically Improve Network Performance for High-Frequency Trading
The new AMD EPYC-powered Neo Infinity supports two full-height, full-length FPGA boards via two PCIe Gen 4 x16 slots
Precision is essential; actually, knowing the time between when two specific packets arrive is sometimes the whole purpose of a packet capture project.
Trade Faster on 40G Using A New Low-Latency Offering
The first of a series of articles describing the LDA IP framework in detail; Answering the most common questions regarding our record-breaking STAC T0 benchmark.
The standard way of network data processing in FPGA with active receive and transmit logics has an implicit latency penalty.