TCP Offload Engine

LightSpeed TCP

The lowest-latency, highest-speed, lightest FPGA-based TOE on the market today.

LDA Technologies, in partnership with Solarflare, introduce Lightspeed v2: an FPGA-based TCP offload engine with:

  • Less than 5 ns* processing latency
  • Cut-through operation: starts sending the packet while payload write is in progress
  • 256 TCP connections per instance
  • 16-bit / 644 Mhz MAC side interface
  • 256-bit client-side interface**

The Lightspeed v2 is designed for Xilinx U+ and Xilinx Versal FPGA boards and, like its predecessor, requires an Onload™-enabled Solarflare NIC.

* < 5 (4.5) ns when the client-side interface clock is running at >500 Mhz.
** Client-side interface clock is asynchronous and can be as low as 322 Mhz.


Ultra-Low Latency
Less than 5 ns with 644MHz clock:
  • 3 clocks on TX
  • 4 clocks on RX
Minimal FPGA Resource Utilization
For 256 TCP connections:
  • Standalone TX Core: 14 BRAM, ~2000 CLB LUT's
  • TX + RX Core: 30 BRAM, ~4200 CLB LUT's
Simple AXI Streaming Data Interface
Sideband channel for payload CRC and length for cut-through operation.
Fmax 644 Mhz with Xilinx Ultrascale+ FPGA
Continuous Transmission Support
Based on window size monitoring
TCP Options Support
Window scaling
Contact LDA for additional options


The Lightspeed v2 consists of an LDA TCP Agent library running on a server with a Solarflare Onload-enabled adapter and FPGA-based TCP Offload IP cores. The agent library manages TCP sessions while the offload cores leverage FPGA capabilities for ultra-fast packet delivery.

This product contains technology proprietary to LDA Technologies, together with patented technology from Solarflare (US patents: 9003053, 9600429, 9258390, 9456060)